Just re-reading what I wrote this morning and I guess it�s sort of surprises me when I get on a bit of a topic and go off...yeah
Anyway, I just thought perhaps it might be good to just re-read what I�ve written and get a bit of a perspective.
It�s weird, because I do feel like I�m in the right place right now. Like I don�t feel like I�m biding my time waiting around for things to go the way I want them to. Things right now are actually quite perfect, despite the heartache and drama it took to get here. But I guess that�s the same with all things. Its take a lot of bull shit to get what you really want.
So yeah, swift kick in my complacent ass and I�m working really hard on book number two, the next issue of the magazine I�m really happy with. I�m launching the book as son as I come back from overseas in January and it�ll be great. Despite the fact that I worked out that I�ll need to sell about 2,000 copies with the royalty I�m getting to break even.
It doesn�t matter, I�m not really in it for the money, more for the experience of it. And to prove to myself that I can, that it isn�t just bullshit and that when I say I�m doing something I�ll do it.
My girl is going to China on Sunday. I�m so proud of her to take all tis on. We�ve been talking about getting a house and doing the renovation thing as well, scoping out prices and locations and properties. It�s pretty exciting. I so wish I could go with her to China. There�s very little I�d enjoy more right now than to just spend some time with her and just yeah, enjoy her and everything about her that makes us work well together.
The final edit of my book is going through as we speak, to be completed by the second week of November. It�s so weird to see it all reworked and set up for print, looking at cover designs and yeah, it�s almost too real. Too marketable and sometimes I think I could just take it back and not market her and who she was as a product, but...I don�t know maybe I�m being silly.
This first book is my baby. Six years of my life into it and well, let�s just say I don�t have quite as strong of an emotional attachment to the second and it�s far far easier to write.
Yeah, so there�s the clarification, for myself, for what its worth.
- - 2007-06-08
My absenteeism - 2007-05-24
Defining Yourself - 2007-03-19
odd sort of flatness - 2007-03-06
Welcome Home - 2007-02-27