It's only been two days since I've posted, but I feel like it's been much to say.
Last Friday I was offered the best media junket of my mag career so far. This cruise company has asked me to go on a 4 day trip snorkelling in the great barrier reef. I was so excited I was bouncing in my chair. Literally, couldn�t sit still, I was so excited. So off I go in about 3 weeks.
Yesterday morning I did the Skywalk which for non Aussies, is this: You put on a crazy harness and jumpsuit and go to the top of Centrepoint tower, which is this tall needle looking tower in the middle of the city and you go all the way up tot he observation deck and then climb up this thing to the very tip top of the tower (the same height as the Eiffel Tower) and you walk around outside on these glass platforms and look at the city below you. It�s kinda scary and really exciting at the same time. Very windy. So windy that the platform shakes a bit which made me a bit weird, but once you get up there and see the view, you sort of forget that it�s so scary. It opened officially tot he public yesterday and the first climb was for media. So I went. Anyway if you go to you�ll get the idea.
It�s been pretty busy with work, keeping me out of the house so that I don�t go mad being there alone. And most nights so far by the time I get home I�m so tired I just crash. It�s so strange because I just realised that since I first met my girl last march, we�ve never been away from each other more than 2 days. It�s surprised me in a way. When I first met her we were both sorting through break ups and the night I met her, she joked around telling me that her job was a lesbian rebound counsellor. About seven hours of talking and joking and not being able to walk away from the other, she came home with me. And we spent the entire Easter long weekend, all three days, in my bedroom existing only on each other. Barely leaving to do anything but shower.
And I think maybe at the time, we were both preparing ourself for the very real possibility that we would never be anything to each other, That it would be a bit of a good time and that�s it. I�m not sure either of us ever really expected to have a relationship and be this affected by not having the other around.
But its a different sort of relationship. Its a pretty raw one in that we are both quite honest about how we�re feeling and not really concerned about trying not to argue out of politeness. We do drive each other mad at times, and we have moment when the thought of being apart is pretty tragic, but�s good. Her mom rang me last night to just check in and see how I was going and I�m having dinner with her this week. It just seems to work really well right now and I just miss everything about her.
Cant wait until Sunday when I get her form the airport. Not looking forward to being at the airport at 6:30 in the morning, but it�ll be worth it for sure. I suspect I�ll be a very tired girl at the ARIA awards.
- - 2007-06-08
My absenteeism - 2007-05-24
Defining Yourself - 2007-03-19
odd sort of flatness - 2007-03-06
Welcome Home - 2007-02-27