Just got my itinerary for Byron next week. It�s funny because when Nic and I were in Queensland we made fun of the chicks that got the itinerary where they had to be awake at 5 in the morning for hot air ballooning. This trip, that chick is me.
Let this be a lesson kiddies, see what happens when you poke fun? You get stuck hot air ballooning with the Editor of Madison Magazine at 5 a.m. For Non Aussies: Madison is just like Cosmo, only dumber and without the overly trashy sex articles to make it slightly worth reading for a chuckle.
It�s not a bad itinerary though, lots of Yoga and a spa treatment and kayaking and dolphin swims. Should be very Ecological and nice. I�m looking forward to it. NOT looking forward to getting up at 5 for a bloody hot air balloon though. I�m definitely not a morning person. But this one seems to have lots of free time so that should be really nice.
I took the bandage off my arm last night to let a little air get to my burn and let it rinse out in the shower and all. Let em say water does NOT feel nice on it and when I fell asleep I spent all night waking up because the blankets kept catching on it. So this morning I�ve been given this cream that had silver in it and is meant to oxidise the burn (apparently this is a good thing) and heal it faster. I put it on and it stung to high holy heaven and it was all I could do not to cry at work. It�s bandaged back up andsore again. Apparently if this stuff turns it blackish silver I�m not meant to be alarmed.
Just grossed out.
- - 2007-06-08
My absenteeism - 2007-05-24
Defining Yourself - 2007-03-19
odd sort of flatness - 2007-03-06
Welcome Home - 2007-02-27