The house is absolutely full of cardboard boxes and where just yesterday I was once dreading this move thing, today I can�t wait to get this stuff out of the house because I can�t trip over it anymore.
However, I was given a good bit of advice yesterday which was that if you got a copy of the gay newspaper in Sydney and rang up the removalists that advertise in there, they are usually less expensive and don�t rock up at your house at 6:30 in the morning ready to go. So I did just that and got a team to come Sunday morning at 11 and they were $20 less per hour. Very happy about that.
So what do you think it is about the Chinese that makes them obsessed with Disney characters? There�s a woman who gets on my train most every morning who always wears this puffy black silk jacket with nothing but Mickey Mouse�s face and the words happy and lucky written all over it. Also the woman who works in the takeaway shop downstairs this morning had a sweatshirt on and on the back was this picture of Donald Duck and written next to him it said: �Donald Duck is the most versatile of the Disney characters. He is Beautiful, Sophisticated and has an Ego.�
The must seriously be something lost in translation here.
- - 2007-06-08
My absenteeism - 2007-05-24
Defining Yourself - 2007-03-19
odd sort of flatness - 2007-03-06
Welcome Home - 2007-02-27