So lets see, both tradeshows are over, the move is for the most part over and in the next 9 days I have to sort out my trip home, book ,my accommodation in Chicago, helping my mum organise my sister�s wedding reception from overseas because she�s spending nearly every waking moment at my grandfather�s bedside praying he�s around for the wedding, trying to coordinate a book launch, publish a monthly magazine on deadline, unpack, and now sort out what to do with a sofa that won�t fit into my place.
And deal with all the pissing I�m pissing off because I can�t have all of it done yesterday. Which if possible I would love to have had it all done yesterday but until that third arm grows or I invent a 30 hour day, it doesn�t look likely. As it is already my holiday home will not be a holiday by any stretch of the imagination. I�ll be working straight through it. I am going to get to go to Kate�s 30th which I�m really looking forward to and also I�ve randomly been asked to meet up with someone who I�m really looking forward to seeing but I know when I left her to come to Australia it wasn�t really on the best terms and it�s taken her years, literally 6 years to start contacting me again. But it�ll be nice to spend a bit of time with her. I feel really bad about how things were left when I came here because it was a relationship I knew I couldn�t really be in properly and never really gave it a proper shot when I knew I�d be moving to Australia.
It�ll be nice getting on that plane, event though I�ll be mag writing and coordinating the launch and such from home to sort of disappear from the Sydney world for a little while and have my family around.
I�ll tell you dear readers, appreciate your family. Even if you want to kill them most days, there�s absolutely nothing like moving to a different country and not having them around or even in the same time zone to call and just chat when your stressed or to get them to help you out with things.
Anyway, that�s my whinge. Off I go to get this issue to the printer.
- - 2007-06-08
My absenteeism - 2007-05-24
Defining Yourself - 2007-03-19
odd sort of flatness - 2007-03-06
Welcome Home - 2007-02-27