Spent a bit of time visiting with Stieny last night which was nice to catch up with her after awhile of not seeing her, I don�t really credit myself as being one with a lot of friends and the ones that I do have mean a lot to me. I don�t think I find it easy to just relax around people and she�s one of the few people that I just feel comfy with. Shame really that it doesn�t quite work out that I get to see her often.
Last night it rained so hard and I found myself feeling a bit head heavy and dozed off for awhile and up again during the night quite restless. Something about staying at my house alone when the girl isn�t there that causes me to awake at odd hours and having weird dreams.
Regardless I�ve got her back tonight.
I was so excited today to come across an ad for a gallery opening for the artist that did this amazing painting I bought about a year ago. I�ve been searching for her other stuff for ages and she�s just done another show and immediately I felt this rush of blood, got all giddy and rang the gallery directly. How much of a freak he mush have thought I was when I nearly squealed with delight to find out that of 250 prints, he had 2 left. One I now own. Where on god�s earth I�m going to put it is inconsequential. I have them both and that�s all that matters. Have found images of both prints online I�ll have to work out how to put them both on tomorrow. Words just do not express how excited I was...art is one of the few things I simply can�t resist and don�t often think twice about spending money on.
This will bite me in the ass one day for sure....or one day something I buy will be worth a fortune. Who knows....either way, my home will look amazing with some bloody brilliant art.
- - 2007-06-08
My absenteeism - 2007-05-24
Defining Yourself - 2007-03-19
odd sort of flatness - 2007-03-06
Welcome Home - 2007-02-27