2001-07-28, 11:43 p.m.,

dinner with gian, i think its funy how everyone calls him andrew but beth and i. i think it makes him a bit nervous when i call him that. i probably wouldnt have if i didnt meet him through beth. its just funny. Anyway.....we had fun, it was nice to get away, we talked about the baby thing and he said they are also looking into an inernational adoption, like a little girl from china where girls arent really all that wanted, nor do they get the best opportunities. he's such a dear, i'm glad beth has him, although i sometimes wonder why, with a mind so complex he can be comfortable with her. Oh well, not my worry i guess.

i took a super hot bubble bath, just kinda turned over on my tummy and sunk down deap enough until the water rushed over my shoulders and the bubbles tickled my chin and i read my book for like 45 minutes i think. the house was so silent, nothing but the tiny bubbles fizzing near my ears.

I had things to say, but i'm just not in the mood to type them so well, perhaps another time.....think i'll go watch a movie.....

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