I signed for my book Saturday morning and standing on the street outside the post office I peeled off the tape took one look at it, handed it to Nic and burst into tears.
I felt like I had just sold off every memory I had of her and I fel like the worst person in the world. Since I�ve had continually reassurance that this isn�t the case, but still, I�m not exactly sure how I feel about it. That said, I have to make the few �fine tuning� sort of changes and then it�s as good as done.
We spent all weekend moving her into her new place and I stayed there with her over the weekend and although it�s kind of weird not having her in the house I have a feeling we�ll both be over at each other�s all the time anyway. Actually it�s kind of nice having two different houses because we�re both seeing the best of each other and only seeing each other when we want to and when we can both make a proper effort to get out of the house and enjoy spending time together.
That said, moving into her place this weekend was tough enough. I can�t imagine how tiring it�ll be when I move into my new place with twice as much stuff. Although I�ve seriously gotten rid of a lot of my things and intend to do more over the next month or so, will see how it goes.
Other than that, I think the name of the game is to spend a lot of time working on the second book and finding a new place to live.
Oh yes and get ready for the overwhelming amount of family events my mother has already booked into place both before and after my sister�s wedding so that I get to visit with every member of my extended family. Oh the joy.
- - 2007-06-08
My absenteeism - 2007-05-24
Defining Yourself - 2007-03-19
odd sort of flatness - 2007-03-06
Welcome Home - 2007-02-27